Being a technophobe is a disadvantage for a blogger in many ways. Trying to juggle beer, camera, notepad and pen with only two hands simply doesn't work. This is probably why Steve Jobs wrapped the latter three into one. If he'd managed to achieve all four, even Fuggles might own an apple product. The result of my juggling conundrum, you will see below, is alot of photos and lamentably few notes from which to write now.
But to call it unsuccessful would deny justice to the brilliant day that Friday was, and above all the fabulous people that made it so.
First mention must go Williams Brothers, with their unfailingly brilliant selection of beers, not to mention quite remarkable tolerance of my cheek on Friday (thank you Chris). I was particularly in love with the Double Joker IPA, the Hollaig and the Fraoch. But I've not had a Williams beer I didn't like yet.
Special mention too must go to the Badger girls and their pairing of beer with cheese. Quite the most spectacular truckle of cheddar I have ever seen and damn tasty with the poacher too. I was unconvinced by the Dorset knobs, I hope you'll forgive me.
Marstons hop display (before I scattered them all over the table) was also great for sniffing, comparing the single hop beers, and generally picking your favourite.
To Molson Coors and Stuart Howe for the beers and commentary with dinner. But particularly to my fellow diners for their fabulous company and for tolerating my chat and pouring, both of dubious quality by this stage.
Did I mention I'd like to thank Chris from Williams Brothers? Alot.
And thank you to all the lovely lovely people there on Friday who are the reason I go to things like this, and the reason I write about beer. The passion of people for the drink and the industry creates an atmosphere unlike any other.
I was very sorry to miss you all on Saturday. Twitter is no substitute!
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