Just a short note, but I couldn't finish the glass without mentioning this sweet little nugget of a brew to the world. Unfortunately it was so irresistable, I was more than half way through before I thought to take a photo of it (also being new to the whole photography of beer thing), so you'll have to excuse the dodgy "artistic" angle, while I try to make my glass look more than half full (less than half empty?), but here it is:
Ultramour... and in love I am.
A little gem selected by Squirrel as we raided the Beer Store in Bruges. Not one I would have picked up (terrible label), so lucky the shopping list was not entirely down to me.
The cloudy mahogany liquid (that's not just dodgy photography, it was pretty cloudy) smelt like liquid marzipan. There was something entirely aromatic that kept the spicy raspberry palette very much in balance. I'd also be surprised if there wasn't some cherry in there somewhere too. Although it's hard to tell from the vague description of "top fermented fruit ale". The exquisite champagne bubbles swept the flavour over your tongue, reverberating round your mouth.
Really rather good, from a brewery I've never heard of in a town I've never heard of. I'm now keenly keeping my eyes open for somemore "Ultra" beers... anyone seen any this side of the channel?
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