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Thursday, 20 January 2011

Short and (not too) sweet

Been a bit quiet on the blog front recently, I accept.  But no, I have not been detoxing, as was optimistically suggested to me.  Just a bout of January lethargy.  Clearly a New Year's Resolution to feel less sorry for oneself in order.  So what has Fuggles been up to, other than contemplating Seasonal Affective Disorder?  (It’s a long way til BST).

After an inextensive and unscientific sampling regime, my Christmas beer award goes to Cheddar Ales Festive Totty.  A nutty mild with a rich ruby port flavour, and a hint of roasting coffee beans.  Perfect accompaniment to a log fire and a mince pie.  I wish it could be Christmas every day…  Also worth a mention is Otley’s O-garden.  Really strong grassy hops make this less cloying than some wheat beers, and with its clear appearance it’s a good one for those unconvinced by some of the sweeter, richer wheat beers.

I also turned over a fruity leaf this new year, having to concur with Squirrel, that a nice (not too sweet mind) fruit beer makes a good alternative to a dessert or aperitif.  Noteworthy examples have been a Bacchus Kriek and Liefmans Frambozen.  Both full bodied and slightly astringent beers that taste like real fruit, rather than some poor imitations that have sweet shop flavours drowning out any evidence of a real beer base.  Always open to suggestions if anyone has any?

Short and sweet this time folks.  But off to catch some rays in the swiss alps shortly, so expect a back on form Fuggles coming to a pub near you...